Author name: Varun

A close up of an eye

Visualize Your Way to Success: How to Easily Achieve What You Want

Have you ever heard of visualization? It’s a powerful tool used by successful athletes, entrepreneurs, and other high achievers to create a mental image of what they want to accomplish in their lives. Visualization is the practice of imagining yourself achieving your goals, seeing yourself living the life you desire, and feeling the emotions associated …

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Two girls walking in blazers with their luggage being pushed behind by a man in a luxurious hotel

5 Habits of Self-Made Billionaires: Lessons from ‘The Self-Made Billionaire Effect’ Book

Are you someone who dreams of becoming a billionaire someday? Or are you simply fascinated by the lives of the ultra-wealthy? Whatever your reasons, I’m excited to introduce you to a book that delves into the minds of self-made billionaires. “The Self-Made Billionaire Effect” is a book that uncovers the secrets of extreme producers and …

5 Habits of Self-Made Billionaires: Lessons from ‘The Self-Made Billionaire Effect’ Book Read More »

A girl with different colored polished stones

The 5 Money Personalities: Understanding Your Relationship with Money

In this one, weโ€™re going to talk about a topic that can make or break relationships – money. You might have heard of the book โ€œThe 5 Money Personalities: Speaking the Same Love and Money Languageโ€ by Scott and Bethany Palmer. Itโ€™s an interesting read that sheds light on how people approach money differently based …

The 5 Money Personalities: Understanding Your Relationship with Money Read More »

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