Man in gray shirt cleaning clear glass near a sofa

8 Tips to Save Money on Home Cleaning Without Sacrificing Cleanliness

Maintaining a clean and organized home is essential for our health, well-being, and peace of mind. A clean home not only looks good, but it also reduces the risk of illnesses, allergies, and accidents. However, home cleaning can be a significant expense for many households. From purchasing cleaning supplies to hiring professional cleaners, the costs can quickly add up, especially if you have a large family or a big house.

Many people end up sacrificing cleanliness to save money, which can lead to even more expenses in the long run. For example, not cleaning your appliances regularly can lead to breakdowns and repairs, and not maintaining your floors can result in expensive replacements. That’s why it’s crucial to find ways to save money on home cleaning without sacrificing cleanliness.

In this article, we’ll discuss ten tips for saving money on home cleaning. These tips are easy to implement and can help you maintain a clean and organized home without breaking the bank. Whether you’re on a tight budget or looking to reduce your household expenses, these tips will help you save money and keep your home sparkling clean. So, let’s get started!

Make Your Own Cleaning Supplies

Making your own cleaning supplies can be a cost-effective alternative to buying commercial products. You can save money by using inexpensive ingredients that are readily available in your kitchen or pantry. Additionally, you can control the quality of the ingredients and reduce the amount of harmful chemicals that you and your family are exposed to.

One of the easiest and most popular homemade cleaning solutions is a vinegar and water solution. Mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle and use it to clean surfaces such as countertops, sinks, and floors. This solution is effective in removing stains, grease, and grime, and it also disinfects surfaces.

Another popular homemade cleaning solution is a baking soda and water paste. This paste can be used to scrub surfaces such as bathroom tiles, kitchen sinks, and stovetops. It’s a gentle abrasive that removes dirt and grime without scratching the surface.

You can also make your own all-purpose cleaner by mixing equal parts of water, vinegar, and dish soap. This solution can be used to clean surfaces throughout your home, including floors, walls, and appliances.

By making your own cleaning supplies, you can save money and reduce your environmental impact. Not only are these solutions inexpensive, but they are also safer for your health and the environment. Give these homemade cleaners a try and see how easy and cost-effective it can be to keep your home clean and healthy.

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Use Multi-Purpose Cleaners

Using multi-purpose cleaners is a great way to save money and reduce clutter in your home. These cleaners can be used on multiple surfaces and for different cleaning tasks, eliminating the need for multiple products. By using fewer products, you can also reduce the amount of clutter in your cleaning supplies, freeing up space and making cleaning more efficient.

Multi-purpose cleaners come in various forms, including sprays, concentrates, and wipes. They can be used to clean a range of surfaces, from countertops and floors to appliances and furniture. By having one product that can be used for multiple tasks, you can save money by not having to purchase specialized cleaners.

When looking for effective multi-purpose cleaners, look for those that are versatile and safe to use on different surfaces. One example is a cleaner that contains hydrogen peroxide, which can be used to clean and disinfect surfaces. It can be used on different surfaces, including countertops, floors, and bathroom fixtures.

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Another effective multi-purpose cleaner is a solution that contains baking soda, vinegar, and essential oils. This solution can be used to clean surfaces throughout your home, and the essential oils provide a natural fragrance.

Using multi-purpose cleaners is an excellent way to save money, reduce clutter, and simplify your cleaning routine. Look for versatile and effective cleaners that can be used on different surfaces and for multiple cleaning tasks. These cleaners will help you save money and time while keeping your home clean and fresh.

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Use Microfiber Cloths

Microfiber cloths are an excellent investment for anyone looking to save money on cleaning supplies and reduce waste. Unlike traditional cleaning cloths, microfiber cloths are made from tiny fibers that are 100 times finer than human hair. These fibers can trap and hold onto dirt and dust particles more effectively than traditional cloths, reducing the need for multiple cleaning products.

Using microfiber cloths can also save you money on paper towels, as they can be used multiple times before needing to be washed. This reduces the amount of waste you produce and saves you money on cleaning supplies.

One of the significant benefits of microfiber cloths is their effectiveness in removing bacteria and germs. Microfiber cloths are designed to remove up to 99% of bacteria from surfaces without the use of harsh chemicals. This makes them an excellent choice for households with children or pets, as they provide a safer and healthier cleaning option.

Additionally, microfiber cloths are durable and long-lasting, which means they can be used repeatedly without losing their effectiveness. This makes them a cost-effective option for households looking to save money on cleaning supplies over the long term.

Microfiber cloths offer many benefits over traditional cleaning cloths, including their ability to trap and hold onto dirt and bacteria, their durability, and their cost-effectiveness. Consider investing in a few microfiber cloths for your household to save money, reduce waste, and simplify your cleaning routine.

Clean Regularly

Regular cleaning is essential not only for maintaining a clean and healthy home but also for saving money in the long run. By keeping your home clean and tidy, you can prevent the buildup of dirt, grime, and dust, which can lead to costly repairs and replacements.

For example, regularly cleaning your HVAC system and replacing air filters can help it run more efficiently and reduce the risk of breakdowns. This can save you money on energy bills and costly repairs. Regularly cleaning your kitchen appliances can also help extend their lifespan and prevent the need for costly replacements.

To maintain a clean home, it’s important to establish a cleaning schedule that works for your household. A schedule can help ensure that cleaning tasks are completed regularly, reducing the risk of buildup and damage to your home.

Here’s a sample cleaning schedule for different areas of the house:

  • Daily: Make the bed, wipe down kitchen counters and appliances, do a quick tidy of living spaces.
  • Weekly: Vacuum carpets and floors, mop floors, dust surfaces, clean bathrooms, change bed linens, wash towels.
  • Monthly: Dust blinds, clean windows, deep clean kitchen appliances, clean light fixtures and ceiling fans.
  • Seasonal: Clean gutters, clean HVAC system and air filters, wash exterior windows and siding.

By establishing a cleaning schedule and sticking to it, you can save money in the long run by preventing costly repairs and replacements. Additionally, regular cleaning can make your home a more enjoyable and healthy place to live.

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Use Natural Cleaning Methods

Natural cleaning methods are an excellent way to save money on cleaning supplies and promote a safer, healthier home environment. Many traditional cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to both people and the environment. By using natural cleaning methods, you can reduce your exposure to these chemicals and save money on expensive cleaning products.

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One of the most popular natural cleaning methods is using vinegar and baking soda. These two ingredients can be used in a variety of ways to clean different surfaces and items around your home.

For example, a mixture of vinegar and water can be used to clean windows and mirrors, while baking soda can be used to scrub surfaces and remove stains.

Another popular natural cleaning method is using essential oils. Essential oils like tea tree oil and lavender oil have natural antifungal and antibacterial properties, making them excellent for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. They can also provide a pleasant scent without the use of artificial fragrances.

Another natural cleaning method is steam cleaning. Steam cleaning uses only water and heat to clean and disinfect surfaces, making it a safe and effective way to clean without chemicals. Steam cleaners can be used on a variety of surfaces, including carpets, upholstery, and tile floors.

Natural cleaning methods are a cheaper and safer alternative to traditional cleaning products. By using simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils, you can effectively clean your home without exposing yourself to harmful chemicals. Additionally, natural cleaning methods can save you money by eliminating the need for expensive cleaning products.

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Declutter Regularly

Decluttering regularly is an effective way to save money on cleaning supplies and make cleaning easier. When you have fewer items in your home, there is less to clean and organize. This means you’ll spend less time and money on cleaning supplies and more time enjoying your clean and clutter-free space.

Decluttering can be overwhelming, but breaking it down into smaller tasks can make it more manageable. Here are some tips for decluttering different areas of your home:

  1. Kitchen: Start by going through your cabinets and drawers and getting rid of any items you no longer use or need. Be sure to check expiration dates on food items and toss anything that is expired or no longer fresh.
  2. Living Room: Go through your bookshelves, entertainment center, and coffee tables and get rid of any items that you no longer use or need. Consider donating books and magazines to your local library or charity.
  3. Bedrooms: Start by decluttering your closet and getting rid of any clothing items that no longer fit or that you no longer wear. Then, move on to your dresser and nightstand, and get rid of any items that are no longer useful or that you no longer need.
  4. Bathroom: Go through your medicine cabinet and get rid of any expired medications or products you no longer use. Then, declutter your countertop and cabinets and get rid of any products you no longer need.

By decluttering regularly, you can save money on cleaning supplies and make cleaning easier. Additionally, having a clutter-free home can reduce stress and promote a more peaceful and organized living space.

Use Efficient Cleaning Methods

Efficient cleaning methods can save you time and money by streamlining your cleaning routine and minimizing the need for expensive cleaning supplies. By using efficient cleaning methods, you can clean your home quickly and effectively, leaving you with more time to enjoy other activities.

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One efficient cleaning method is to start with the highest areas and work your way down. This means starting with ceiling fans, light fixtures, and high shelves, and working your way down to countertops and floors. This method saves time and money by minimizing the need for multiple cleanings.

Another efficient cleaning method is to use a cleaning caddy. A cleaning caddy allows you to keep all your cleaning supplies in one place, so you don’t waste time searching for supplies throughout your home. Additionally, using a cleaning caddy can help you avoid purchasing duplicate cleaning supplies.

Using a vacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter is another efficient cleaning method. HEPA filters are designed to trap small particles, like dust and pet dander, and can help reduce the need for additional cleaning supplies.

Finally, using microfiber cloths and mop heads is an efficient cleaning method. Microfiber is highly absorbent and can effectively clean surfaces with only water, reducing the need for additional cleaning products.

By using these efficient cleaning methods, you can save time and money on cleaning supplies and reduce the amount of time you spend cleaning. Additionally, these methods can help you maintain a cleaner home and reduce the need for deep cleaning and frequent replacement of cleaning supplies.

Hire a Professional Cleaner

While it may seem counterintuitive to spend money on a professional cleaner, it can actually save you money in the long run. Professional cleaners have the tools, equipment, and expertise to provide a deeper and more thorough clean, which can reduce the need for frequent cleanings and costly cleaning supplies.

Additionally, hiring a professional cleaner can free up your time to focus on other activities, like spending time with family or pursuing hobbies. This can lead to a better work-life balance and reduce stress, which can have positive effects on your overall well-being.

When hiring a professional cleaner, it’s important to do your research and choose a reputable and reliable cleaning company. Consider asking for referrals from friends or family, reading online reviews, and checking for certifications and insurance.

Before hiring a cleaner, be sure to communicate your expectations and specific cleaning needs. This can help ensure that the cleaning service you receive meets your standards and needs. Additionally, consider asking for a quote upfront and comparing prices from different cleaning services to ensure you’re getting a fair price.

Hiring a professional cleaner can save you money and provide a deeper and more thorough clean. By doing your research and communicating your needs, you can find a reputable cleaning service that meets your budget and expectations.


In conclusion, there are many ways to save money on home cleaning, from making your own cleaning supplies to hiring a professional cleaner. By using these tips, you can reduce the amount of money you spend on cleaning supplies and minimize waste while still maintaining a clean and organized home.

Making your own cleaning supplies and using multi-purpose cleaners can save you money and reduce clutter, while microfiber cloths and natural cleaning methods can be cheaper and safer alternatives to traditional cleaners. Regular cleaning and decluttering can also save you money on cleaning supplies in the long run, while efficient cleaning methods can save you time and money.

If you’re looking for a deeper and more thorough clean, hiring a professional cleaner can provide a cost-effective solution that saves you time and money in the long run.

Overall, by using these tips, you can save money on home cleaning while still maintaining a clean and organized home. So why not give them a try and see how much you can save? Your wallet will thank you!

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